‘Maniac vampire’ caught posing as doctor in Russian city of Chelyabinsk

A man was caught posing as a doctor in a clinic in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Obtaining a fake diploma turned out to be the least of his crimes, however, as he had committed a blood-chilling murder two decades ago.

The man, identified as Boris Kondrashin, had been working in one of the city’s state clinics as a GP since November. He was arrested this week for producing fake documents in relation to his medical training, as well as storing a large stash of illegal drugs in his apartment, according to Russian investigators.

While this part of the story was scandalous enough on its own, it turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg, and the fake doctor had a blood-chilling background. When he was just 16, he murdered a classmate in a vicious ritual killing.

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Back then, he was a rather strange schoolboy, who was keen on exploring the occult and black-magic rituals, according to an article by a local newspaper dating back to 2000. Kondrashin identified himself as ‘Baron fon Ginczel’ – and apparently did actually have links to nobility – and lived with his father, who was a psychiatrist.

While the teenager was not exactly popular at school, he had access to his father’s stash of potent drugs, and used to supply them to his schoolmates. One of them eventually fell victim to the aspiring “vampire.”

According to a report, Kondrashin lured his classmate to his apartment and killed him with a lethal dose of a tranquilizer drug. He then dismembered his victim, sampled his liver, and ultimately tore out his heart. He then squeezed the blood out of the organ and drank it from a silver goblet. The “vampire” also tore out his classmate’s eyes and severed his hands, keeping them in formalin as proof of his deal with demons.

As the rest of the body was carelessly disposed of right next to the building where the “vampire” resided, he was swiftly apprehended and ultimately deemed insane, getting a 10-year sentence of compulsory treatment in an asylum.

It remains unclear what exactly gave away the vampire-turned-doctor in his new role, as media provided conflicting reports on the matter. Some outlets claimed that a former classmate recognized him after visiting the “doctor.” Others, however, suggested that a veteran psychiatrist who was familiar with Kondrashin’s case saw his profile online. Apart from that, the “doctor” was also apparently active on social media using his other, special alias – Ginczel.

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