Jared’s pain and 12 more pictures from Ireland’s training session today

 Les Kiss floored Paul O’Connell

Or maybe Paulie just turned the world upside down.

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Jared Payne hasn’t been ordered to stay off his sprained foot

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Pete loves passing

Click Here: new arrivals backpacks

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Gordon D’Arcy is trying to win his place back

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

But Stuart Olding is quite keen on it too

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Richie Murphy and Simon Easterby  watch on

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Not an umbrella in sight

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Dev takes a turn as goalpost

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

The GPS devices are in

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Sean Cronin lines up a throw

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Zebo is thoroughly enjoying this camp

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Joe takes up his Christ pose

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

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