The Rock Explains Origins Of “People’s Eyebrow,” What 3 Things He Is Most Asked To Do By Fans

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is asked to do and say a lot of his famous catchphrases and mannerisms when approached by passionate fans.

But what is he most-asked?

During a recent 360 With Speedy Complex interview to promote his new “Red One” holiday-season film, “The Final Boss” was asked if he gets tired of fans asking him to do the “People’s Eyebrow.”

“I get it. People ask me that all the time, ‘Do the eyebrow. Do the eyebrow,’” Rock said. “I’ll always have fun with it. You got to.”



From there, The People’s Champion spoke about the origins of the “People’s Eyebrow,” as well as other most-requested catchphrases he is asked to do for fans.

“I did that sh*t in high school, that’s where it comes from,” Rock said. “That was my way of messing with girls. I took that into WWE and then some wacky way turned that into this iconic thing with the character The Rock. Something like that. Here’s the three things I get. ‘Can you sing You’re Welcome?’ I get that all the time. ‘Do the eyebrow,’ and do ‘If Ya Smell.’ I have a good relationship with all that.”

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.)

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