7/2/19 WWE 205 Live Recap

The opening credits roll. Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, and Vic Joseph are on commentary.

Match #1 – Tornado Tag Team Match: The Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado) (w/Kalisto) vs. The Singh Brothers (Samir and Sunil)
All four men brawl to the floor and the LHP gets the advantage. Metalik gets Sunil back into the ring and delivers a slap across the chest and then a springboard dropkick. Dorado gets back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Sunil kicks out at two. LHP double-team Sunil for a bit and Dorado connects with a splash. Dorado goes for another cover, but Sunil kicks out. Samir comes back and tosses Metalik to the floor and then the Singhs double team Dorado. Dorado fights back and sends Sunil to the outside and then takes Samir down with a cross-body. Metalik gets back into the ring and the LHP drops Samir with a bulldog. Sunil comes back and knocks Dorado to the floor. Metalik kicks Samir in the head and goes up top, but Sunil pulls him down. The Singhs stomp away on Metalik in the corner and then Sunil goes to the outside and slams Dorado into the ring post.
Samir chokes Metalik in the corner and then holds him down as Sunil delivers a kick. Sunil holds Metalik down and Samir delivers an elbow from the ropes. Sunil goes for the cover, but Dorado breaks it up. Dorado is tossed to the floor, but Metalik fights back and takes down the Singhs. Samir comes back and throws Metalik to the floor. Dorado gets back into the ring and sends Sunil to the floor. Dorado takes Samir out with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Sunil breaks it up. Droado comes off the ropes and delivers the Golden Rewind and Samir rolls to the floor. Metalik gets back into the ring and the LHP take out the Singhs with suicide dives. They get the Singhs back into the ring, but the Singhs take control. Samir takes Metalik to the mat an goes for the cover, but Metalik kicks out. Samir goes to the outside and grabs his Bollywood Award trophy.
Kalisto tries to stop him and Dorado drops the Singhs with superkicks. Metalik plants Samir with the Metalik Driver and then he and Dorado come off the ropes with splashes and get the pin fall.
Winners: The Lucha House Party

A video hype package for Humberto Carrillo airs.

Mike Kanellis is backstage for an interview. He says he is not emotionally ready to compete, but he’s here by the orders of Drake Maverick. He says Maria will not be at ringside with him, because they are not talking right now. He says Maverick will pay for the damage that he has caused for the Kanellis family.

Match #2 – Six-Man Tag Team Match: Jack Gallagher, Oney Lorcan, and Tony Nese vs. Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, and Mike Kanellis
Nese and Gulak start the match, but Gulak tags in Kanellis. Maria is shown watching the match backstage. Gallagher tags in as well and Kanellis applies a wrist-lock. Gallagher gets free and applies one of his own and tags in Lorcan. Lorcan goes after Daivari, but Daivari jumps to the floor. Lorcan delivers chops to Kanellis, but Kanellis turns it around with chops of his own. They exchange chops again in the corner and then Lorcan drops Kanellis with a shoulder tackle. They exchange chops again, and then uppercuts, and then Kanellis delivers a clothesline. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Daivari tags in and delivers a series of right hands to Lorcan. Gulak tags in and he and Daivari drop Lorcan with a double suplex. Gulak goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Gulak takes Lorcan to the corner and Kanellis tags in.
Kanellis chops Lorcan in the corner and drops him to the mat. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out and Daivari tags in. Lorcan gets free and tags in Nese. Nese drops Kanellis and Daivari with knee strikes and goes for the cover on Daivari, but he kicks out at two. Nese delivers an elbow and runs the ropes, but Kanellis trips him up. Gallagher takes Kanellis out on the floor and Nese takes Daivari down in the ring. Nese goes for the springboard moonsault, but Gulak pushes him over the top rope and onto everyone on the floor. Gulak tags in and tosses Nese into the ring. Gulak goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two. Gulak applies an arm bar, but Nese comes back and takes Gulak down with a cross-body. Gulak comes back and delivers a lariat to Nese and goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two.
Daivari tags in and stomps down onto Nese. Daivari slams Nese into the corner and Kanellis tags in. Kanellis stomps onto Nese and goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two. Nese delivers a series of rights to Nese and screams “Maria!” with each punch. Gulak tags in and goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two. Kanellis tags back in, but Daivari tags in again. They triple team Nese for a bit and slam him to the mat. Daivari goes for the cover, but Lorcan and Gallagher break it up and all six men brawl. Order restores and Gulak tags in and works over Nese’s ankle. Gulak stomps on Nese and goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two. Nese comes back and slams Gulak to the mat. Daivari and Lorcan tag in. Lorcan delivers chops and uppercuts Daivari into the corner. Lorcan delivers an uppercut to Kanellis as well.
Lorcan delivers hip attacks to Daivari and then an elbow strike. Lorcan takes Daivari down with the Blockbuster and goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Gallagher tags in and drapes Daivari over the top rope. Lorcan delivers an uppercut and Gallagher drops Daivari with a clothesline. Gallagher delivers a headbutt and goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Gallagher places Daivari up top, but Kanellis cuts him off. Gallagher tosses Kanellis to the floor, Gulak kicks Gallagher to the floor, and Lorcan sends Gulak to the outside. Lorcan takes everyone out with a suicide dive, and then Daivari takes everyone out with a dive from the top. Nese also takes everyone out with a suicide dive. Gallagher grabs William the Umbrealls from under the ring, opens it, and dives from the top onto everyone.
Gallagher gets Daivari back into the ring and connects with a diving headbutt. Gallagher goes for the cover, but Gulak breaks it up. Gulak tags in and Lorcan and Daivari brawl on the floor and fight up the ramp. Gallagher rolls up Gulak, but Gulak kicks out at two. Lorcan and Daivari fight to the back and Gulak applies a headlock to Gallagher. Kanellis tags in and Gulak slams Gallagher to the mat. Nese tags in and goes for the 450 on Gulak, but Kanellis gets in the ring and goes for the cover. Nese kicks out at two and delivers the Sunset Driver for the pin fall.
Winners: Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher, and Oney Lorcan
After the match, Gulak attacks Nese and they begin to brawl. Lorcan and Daivari continue to brawl and Gallagher and Kanellis continue to brawl on the outside as the show comes to a close.Click Here: cheap adidas women shoes

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